Inline Styles
- Pass the styles as an object
- Use camelCase for style property names
<button style={{backgroundColor: "yellow"}}>Click</button>
CSS Files
- Create new style
- Import
CSS Modules
The CSS inside a module is available only for the component that imported it, and you do not have to worry about name conflicts.
If there is another stylesheet with same class name, clashes happen.
In CSS modules all class names are scoped locally which avoids name clashes
CSS modules resolve name conflicts issue by generating unique class names during the build process.
Create the CSS module with the
. Follow camelCase notation ListGroup.module.css
.listGroup {
border: 2px solid lightblue;
- Import CSS module in the component. All the CSS rules are available as properties in styles object ListGroup.tsx
import styles from "./ListGroup.module.css";
- Apply the CSS rule
//with camecase class name
<ul className={styles.listGroup}>
//with kebabcase class name
<ul className={styels["list-group"]}>
Multiple classes
<ul className={["list-group", styles.listGroup].join(" ")}>
Popular Libraries
- Bootstrap
- Material UI - based on Google Material Design
- Tailwind CSS - Utility first CSS library
- Chakra UI
- Daisy UI
Adding Icons
- Install
npm i react-icons@4.7.1
- Refer for icon names
- Add import
import { BsFillCalendarDateFill } from "react-icons/bs";
- Specify size and color
<BsFillCalendarDateFill size="100" color="red"></BsFillCalendarDateFill>