Configuring Routes
- In App.module.ts, add import statement at the top
import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router';
- In the imports array, add
- We use this to define the root routes for the application
- As the application grows, we may break the application into smaller more manageable modules
- In each module we will have set of routes for that particular area of application
- Instead of forRoot, we will use
- Define the route for sub modules
Pass an array of route
- Inform angular that when browser address changes to the path, display the component
{path: '', component: HomeComponent}
- No leading slash in path,
- Empty path represent home page or default route
- To add parameter we use colon and then the name of the parameter
{path: 'followers/:username', component: ProfileComponent} --passing route
{path: 'followers', component: FollowerComponent} --no leading slash
- If the user navigates to invalid route, we want to display not found page
{path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent} - for all other routes or invalid routes
represents Wildcard - catches any url in the browser bar
- Order of the routes are important
- Add routes from more specific to generic
{path: '', component: HomeComponent},
{path: 'followers/:username', component: ProfileComponent}
{path: 'followers', component: FollowerComponent}
{path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent}