
Last Updated: 8/28/2023

Types of Form

  • In angular we have to classes to keep track of the state of input field and their validity


  • For each input field in the form we need to create an instance of FormControl
  • With the control class we can check
    • value
    • touched, untouched (input field is touched or not)
    • dirty (value is changed), pristine (value not changed)
    • valid, invalid
    • errors
  • FormControl tracks the value and validation status of an individual form control.


  • Represents a group of controls in the form
  • Each form is a control group it at least contains 1 control.
  • In complex app you might form with multiple control group. 1 for Billing Address and 1 for Shipping Address
  • Exposes property
    • value
    • touched, untouched
    • dirty, pristine(clean)
    • valid, invalid
    • errors
  • Formgroup valid property returns true if all the controls in the group are valid
  • FormGroup tracks the values and status for a collection of form controls.
  • To add validation to the form we need to create formgroup object for the form, formcontrol object for each input field in the form
  • This way we can keep track of state of each input field in the form and entire form

Creating Controls

  • Two way to create these control objects
  • Create formcontrol for each control
  • Create formgroup for each form

Option 1

  • Applying directives in the template, Angular will create control objects implicitly under the hood
  • Form built this way - template driven forms - build them using the template

Option 2

  • Explicitly creating control objects - write code to create new instances of control group and control objects
  • Form built this way - Reactive forms

Reactive Forms

  • More control over validation logic
  • Good for complex forms
  • Unit testable the validation logic of the form


  • Good for simple forms
  • Simple validation
  • Easier to create
  • Less code