Text Formatting
Text Alignment
- Used to set the horizontal alignment of a text.
- Possible values are left, center, right, justify
- So for the web, the best alignment is left, but sometimes you may want to use Center Alignment
p {
width: 50ch;
text-align: left;
Text Decoration
- Used to add a decoration line to text.
- For text decoration line possible values are underline, line-through, overline
text-decoration-line: underline;
text-decoration-color: green;
text-decoration-style: solid
text-decoration-thickness: 5px;
is required and others are optional
text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration: underline red double 5px;
- By default links are underlined.
a {
text-decoration: none;
Text Indentation
- Used to specify the indentation of the first line of a text:
text-indent: 1rem;
Text Transformation
- Used to specify uppercase and lowercase letters in a text.
- Possible values are uppercase, lowercase, capitalize
- Capitalize the first letter of every word, useful for headings
text-transform: capitalize;
White Space
- Specifies how white-space inside an element is handled.
- Disable text wrapping inside an element using
p {
width: 50ch;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
Text Overflow
- Specifies how overflowed content that is not displayed should be signaled to the user
- Possible values are ellipsis, clipped
p {
width: 50ch;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
Text Direction
- Used to change the text direction of an element:
- Default value is ltr
- Possible values are ltr, rtl
: used together with the direction property, determines how bidirectional text in a document is handled.
p {
direction: rtl;
unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
Text Shadow
- Used to add shadow to text.
- You specify the horizontal shadow and the vertical shadow
Basic Syntax
h1 {
text-shadow: 2px 2px;
With shadow color
h1 {
text-shadow: 2px 2px red;
With blur effect
h1 {
text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px blue;
h1 {
color: white;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000;
Multiple Shadow
h1 {
text-shadow: 0 0 3px #ff0000, 0 0 5px #0000ff;
Multiple Columns
- Allows easy definition of multiple columns of text
property specifies the number of columns an element should be divided into
property specifies the gap between the columns.
property is a shorthand property for setting all the column-rule
property specifies how many columns an element should span across. Possible values are all, none
property specifies a suggested, optimal width for the columns. Number of columns changes based on the width
.multi-col {
column-count: 3;
column-gap: 2rem;
column-rule: 5px solid blue;
.multi-col h1 {
column-span: all;
<div class="multi-col">
<h1 >Multi Columns</h1>
<p>some large text...</p>
Column width
.multi-col {
column-width: 30ch;
column-gap: 2rem;
column-rule: 5px solid blue;