- CSS has several different units for expressing size
- There are two types of length units: absolute and relative.
Absolute Units
- Absolute units are fixed and will appear as exactly that size.
- Possible values are
- mm: millimeter
- cm: centimeter
- in: inch - 1in = 2.54cm
- pc: picas = 1/6 inch
- pt: points = 1/72 inch
- px: pixel = 1/96 inch
- Commonly used in web is pixels (px)
div {
border: 5px solid blue;
Relative Units
- Relative units are relative to something
- Possible values are
- %: percentage, relative to parent
- vw, vh: viewport width, viewport height, relative to viewport
- em, rem: relative to fontsize
- Relative values, eventually get converted to pixel values by the browser.
- With relative units. You can create layout that adjust to screen sizes.
- By default, the width of block level elements is 100% and their height is 0
- em, rem used in situations where we want to adjust the layout, according to the font size.
div {
width: 50%
div {
height: 100vh
width: 100vw
100% of viewport height 100% of viewport width
div {
width: 10em
default font size of html element is 16px; 10em - 10 times the font size - 10 x 16px
div {
width: 10rem
rem font size of the root element
html {
font-size: 62.5%
font-size: 10px