Checkout commit
- To view complete snapshot of the project at a point in time, checkout the commit
- Restore the working directory to the snapshot stored in that commit
git checkout commit
- When you checkout, the repo is in detached head state
- Each commit points to the previous commit, using this git maintains history
- You can have multiple branches in git
- Every git has a default branch called
- Way git represents a branch is using a pointer
is pointing to the last commit
- As we create new commit master moves forward to point to the last commit
- Because we can have multiple branches. git need to know what is the branch we are currently working on
git uses another pointer called
points to the current branch we are working on
- As we create new commit head and master pointer moves forward to point to the last commit
- When we checkout a particular commit, head pointer moves to that commit. this is called detached head. head is not attached to branch anymore
- We shouldn't create new commits only view our code
- if you create new commit, it will not be reachable by any other commit and it will become dead commit
- git checks periodically for dead commit, removes it to save space
To attach the head pointer to the master branch
git log --oneline
git log --oneline --all
git checkout master