
Last Updated: 8/1/2023

Filtering History

View last 3 commits

git log --oneline -3

View by author

git log -oneline --author="ganesh"

View by date

git log -oneline --after="2023-01-01"
git log -oneline --before="2023-01-01"

Filter by relative date

git log -oneline --after="yesterday"
git log -oneline --after="one week ago"

Filter by commit message

git log -oneline --grep="GUI"
  • case sensitive operation

Filter by content

git log -oneline -S"hello"

Filter by range of commits

git log --oneline fromcommitid..tocommitid

Filter commits that touch a particular file or bunch of files

git log --oneline toc.txt
git log --oneline -- toc.txt
git log --oneline --patch -- toc.txt