Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

Last Updated: 12/13/2022

Create a Virtual Machine

  • Sign in to the Azure portal.
  • Select Create a resource > Virtual Machine > Create.
  • Choose a subscription
  • Choose a resource group: Learn
  • Enter Virtual machine name: my-VM
  • Choose Region: West US
  • Choose Image: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS - x64 Gen 2
  • Choose Size: Standard_D2s_v3 - 2 vcpus, 8 GiB memory
  • Select Authentication type: Password
  • Enter Username: azureuser
  • Enter a custom password
  • Confirm password: Reenter the custom password
  • In Public inbound ports choose None
  • Select Review and Create > Create

Resources Created

  • Go to Home
  • Choose the Resource Group: Learn
  • Following resources are created
    • Virtual Machine
    • Virtual Network
    • Network Interface
    • Network Security Group
    • Public IP
    • Disk
    • Storage Account