Exercise Total Cost of Ownership
- You run two sets, or banks, of 50 virtual machines (VMs) in each bank.
- The first bank of VMs runs Windows Server under Hyper-V virtualization.
- The second bank of VMs runs Linux under VMware virtualization.
- There's also a storage area network (SAN) with 60 TB of disk storage.
- You consume an estimated 15 TB of outbound network bandwidth each month.
- There are also a number of databases involved, but for now, you'll omit those details.
Define your workloads
Enter the specifications of your on-premises infrastructure into the TCO Calculator.
- Go to the TCO Calculator.
- Under Define your workloads, select Add server workload to create a row for your bank of Windows Server VMs.
- Under Servers, set the value for each of these settings:
- Name Servers: Windows VMs
- Workload: Windows/Linux Server
- Environment: Virtual Machines
- Operating system: Windows
- Operating System License: Datacenter
- VMs: 50
- Virtualization: Hyper-V
- Core(s): 8
- RAM (GB): 16
- Optimize by: CPU
- Windows Server 2008/2008 R2: Off
- Select Add server workload to create a second row for your bank of Linux VMs. Then specify these settings:
- Name Servers: Linux VMs
- Workload: Windows/Linux Server
- Environment: Virtual Machines
- Operating system: Linux
- VMs: 50
- Virtualization: VMware
- Core(s): 8
- RAM (GB): 16
- Optimize by: CPU
- Under Storage, select Add storage. Then specify these settings:
- Name: Server Storage
- Storage type: Local Disk/SAN
- Disk type: HDD
- Capacity: 60 TB
- Backup: 120 TB
- Archive: 0 TB
- Under Networking, set Outbound bandwidth to 15 TB.
- Select Next.
Adjust assumptions
- In practice, you would adjust any cost assumptions and make any adjustments to match your current on-premises environment.
- At the top of the page, select your currency. This example uses US Dollar ($).
- Select Next.
View the report
- Set Timeframe to 3 Years.
- Set Region to North Europe.