Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

Last Updated: 2/21/2023

Create Linux Virtual Machine Using Azure Portal

Create Linux VM

  • Go to azure portal
  • On all resources click Create or use side bar > Virtual machines > Create
  • Specify Resource Group
  • Enter Virtual machine name: linuxvm
  • Choose Image: ubuntu server: 20.4
  • Choose Authentication type: password
  • Enter Username: demouser
  • Enter Password
  • Choose Inbound port > SSH (secure shell) - This is the protocol you need to connect to linux
  • Click Review and create


  • PuTTY tool allows you to connect to the linux machine
  • Download tool from
  • Open the tool
  • Enter Hostname: Copy and paste the Public IP from Linux VM overview page
  • Trust the host: Accept
  • Enter username and password of the VM

Deploying Web Server on Linux

  • Clear the screen: clear
  • Update package index: sudo apt-get update
  • Install nginx: sudo apt-get install nginx

Add Inbound Port Rule

  • Go to VM overview in portal
  • Settings - Network - Add inbound port rule
  • Webserver will be listening on http protocol port 80
  • Choose Service: http
  • Click Add
  • Open browser, copy and paste the Public IP to visit the default website