Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

Last Updated: 2/15/2023

Create Virtual Machine - Windows

  • Go to azure portal
  • Create a resource > Virtual Machine
  • Choose subscription
  • Choose resource group or create new resource group: demo-azure-rgp
  • Enter name for virtual machine: demo-azure-vm
  • Choose a region: Central India
  • Availability option: No redundancy required
  • Click see all images to view all the images available in azure
  • In Image, choose Windows server 2019 data center - x64 Gen 2. The license will be embedded in the total cost for this VM.
  • Click all sizes to explore
  • Choose size Standard_B1s - 1 vcpus 1 GiB memory. Most of the resource are billed on hourly basis.
  • Enter administrator account username demouser
  • Enter password
  • You can limit the traffic that is coming in or going out of the VM. By default allows traffic on inbound port RDP (3389). It allows us to connect the VM
  • Azure hybrid benefit - Companies having enterprise wide agreement with Microsoft can use their existing windows license to save cost by choosing this option.
  • Choose OS Disk Type - Use default
    • Premium SSD - Best for production and performance sensitive workloads
    • Standard SSD- Best for webservers, light enterprise application and dev/test
    • Standard HDD - Best for backup, non critical and infrequent access
  • Create

Connect to the VM

  • In portal - all resources - click on the virtual machine you created
  • Click Connect and RDP
    • SSH - Secured shell used for connecting to VM based on Linux
    • RDP - Connect to VM based on Windows
    • Bastion - Securely connect to your machine
  • Download RDP file - Click - Connect
  • Enter username and password specified while creating VM (You can also use Public IP\username)
  • Click Yes to allow your PC to be discoverable by other PC

Install IIS on VM

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web server for windows machine. You can use it for hosting websites.

  • Connect to the VM
  • Click Start Menu - Server Manger
  • In dashboard - Click add roles and features
  • Choose role based or feature based installation
  • In Server selection > Click Next
  • In Server roles - choose web server - add features
  • Go to final screen > Click Install
  • After completion, in dashboard on top right click Tools - IIS

Allow Traffic on VM

Network Security Group is used to restrict traffic that flows in and out of VM. Create a rule that allows traffic from internet to VM on port 80

  • In the azure portal, click the created VM
  • On side menu > click Networking
  • Add inbound port rules
  • Choose HTTP in service
  • Click add

Connect to Default IIS website

The public IP address is another resource that gets created along with your virtual machine and it is assigned to the network interface that is attached onto your virtual machine

  • Go to VM > Copy the Public IP address > Paste in the browser