
Last Updated: 12/14/2022

Data Types

  • JavaScript variables can hold different data types
  • In JavaScript you have two categories of data types: primitives or value types and reference types

Primitive Data Types/Value Data Types

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • undefined
  • null
  • Symbol (From ES6)


  • Literals represent values in JavaScript. These are fixed values that you literally provide in your script.


  • String is a sequence of character
  • You can single or double quotes

let name = "kumar"; //String Literal


  • Can be with or without decimal
  • Represent both integers and floating-point numbers

let height = 6; //Number Literal


  • Possible values are true and false let isGraduated = true; //Boolean Literal


  • if you don't initialize a variable, the default value is undefined.
  • Undefined is a type and you can also assign it a value undefined.
  • The meaning of undefined is value is not assigned.
let bikeName;
let bikeName = undefined;


  • Use null when the value is not known
  • Use null in situations when you want to explicitly clear the value of a variable.
  • It’s just a special value which represents nothing, empty or value unknown.
  • The result of typeof null is object. That’s an officially recognized error in typeof, coming from very early days of JavaScript and kept for compatibility.
let selectedCar = null;
selectedCar = "maruti"
selectedCar = null;