- Objects are collections of key value pairs
- If you have variables that are highly related, you can encapsulate them inside of an object
- Property values can be any type in JavaScript, it can be a number, a string, a boolean, null, undefined, it can even be another object. or an array, or a function.
- Purpose of an object is to group related variables.
- You can also have functions that should operate on these variables. If you have functions that are highly related to the variables and instead of defining these functions, in a standalone way, it's better to put these functions, inside an object.
- Object oriented programming (OOP) is basically a style of programming where you see a program as a collection of objects that talk to each other to perform some functionality.
- An object is made up of multiple members. Each member has a name and a value
- When a member contains data, it is called as property
- When a member contains function, it is called as method
- Object contains properties and methods
const circle = {
radius: 5,
location: {
x: 10,
y: 10
draw: function() {
console.log("draw circle")
Dynamic nature of objects
- In JavaScript, objects are dynamic which means once you create them you can always add new properties or methods or remove existing ones.
const circle = {
radius: 10,
draw: function() {
circle.color = "blue";
circle.move = function() {
delete circle.color;
delete circle.move;
Factory Function
- Factory function, just like a factory producing products, these factory functions produce objects.
- Use camelCase notation for factory function
function createCircle(radius) {
return {
radius: radius,
draw() {
console.log("draw circle");
In modern JavaScript if the key and value are the same, you can make our code shorter by removing a value and simply adding the key
function createCircle(radius) {
return {
draw() {
console.log("draw circle");
Constructor Function
- The job of Constructor function is to construct or create an object
- Use Pascal Notation for Construction Function
is a reference to the object that is executing this piece of code- When you use the new operator, 3 things happen,
operator first creates an empty object, setthis
to point the object and finally it will return that object from this function
function Circle(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
this.draw = function() {
const circle = new Circle(10);
- Every object in JavaScript has a property called constructor and references the function that was used to construct or create that object
- Built in constructor function
- String
- Boolean
- Number
- Function
Object Constructor Function
When you create an object using object literal syntax, internally the JavaScript engine uses the Object constructor function
const person = {
name: "ganesh",
age: 30
const person = new Object();
person.name = "ganesh";
person.age = 50;
- Returns an array of a given object's property names.
for(let key of Object.keys(person)) {
- Returns an array of a given object's own property values.
for(let value of Object.values(person)) {
- Returns an array of a given object's own property key-value pairs.
for(let entry of Object.entries(person)) {
- Returns
if the specified property is in the specified object
console.log("name" in person);