
Last Updated: 2/9/2023


  • It represents the browser's window.
  • Global variables are properties of the window object.
  • Global functions are methods of the window object.
  • The document object is a property of the window object.

Window Size

  • window.innerHeight: returns the inner height of the browser window in pixels
  • window.innerWidth: returns the inner width of the browser window in pixels.

Window Screen

  • window.screen: object contains information about the user's screen.
  • window.screen.width: returns the width of the visitor's screen in pixels.
  • window.screen.height: returns the height of the visitor's screen in pixels.
  • window.screen.availWidth: returns the width of the visitor's screen, in pixels, minus interface features like the Windows Taskbar.
  • window.screen.availHeight: returns the height of the visitor's screen, in pixels, minus interface features like the Windows Taskbar.


  • window.location.href: returns the href (URL) of the current page
  • window.location.assign(): loads a new document
  • window.location.protocol: returns the web protocol used (http: or https:)
  • window.location.hostname: returns the domain name of the web host
  • window.location.pathname: returns the path and filename of the current page


Contains the browsers history

  • history.back(): method loads the previous URL in the history list.
  • history.forward(): method loads the next URL in the history list.

Timing Events

  • setTimeout: Executes a function, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds.
  • clearTimeout: stops the execution of the function specified in setTimeout().
  • setInterval: Repeats a given function at every given time-interval.
  • clearInterval: stops the executions of the function specified in the setInterval() method