
Last Updated: 12/15/2022


Date Constructor

Zero parameter

const date1 = new Date();

Timestamp Number

  • An integer value representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
const date2 = new Date(0);


const date3 = new Date("16 Jan 2022");
// ISO formats
const date4 = new Date("2022-12-16");
const date5 = new Date("2022-12-16T11:25:30");
const date6 = new Date("2022-12-16T11:25:30Z");
const date7 = new Date("2022-12-16T11:25:30+05:30");

Individual components year, month, date, hours, mins, secs, ms

  • Integer value representing the month, beginning with 0 for January to 11 for December.
const date8 = new Date(2022, 11, 15);


Static Methods;

Instance Methods

Get methods

  • getFullYear - Preferred
  • getMonth
  • getDate - Returns the date of the month (0-11)
  • getDay - Return the day of the weak (0-6) [0 - Sunday, 1-Monday]
  • getHours
  • getMinutes
  • getSeconds
  • getMilliSeconds

Set Methods

  • setFullYear - Preferred
  • setMonth
  • setDate
  • setDay
  • setHours
  • setMinutes
  • setSeconds
  • setMilliSeconds

Display Methods

  • toString - Fri Dec 16 2022 12:39:40 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

  • toDateString

  • toTimeString

  • toLocaleString - 16/12/2022, 12:39:40 pm

  • toLocaleDateString

  • toLocaleTimeString

  • toUTCString - Fri, 16 Dec 2022 07:09:40 GMT

  • toISOString - 2022-12-16T07:09:40.469Z

  • toJSON - 2022-12-16T07:09:40.469