- JavaScript has only one type of number.
- Numbers can be written with or without decimals.
- Extra large or extra small numbers can be written with scientific (exponent) notation:
- JavaScript numbers are stored as double precision (64 bit) floating point numbers.
- This format stores numbers in 64 bits, where the number (the fraction) is stored in bits 0 to 51, the exponent in bits 52 to 62, and the sign in bit 63
- Numbers can also be defined as objects with the keyword new
Numeric Strings
- JavaScript will try to convert strings to numbers in all numeric operations.
- JavaScript uses the + operator for both addition and concatenation. If you add a string and a number, the result will be a string concatenation.
let x = "100";
let y = "10";
let z = x / y;
Converting Variables to Numbers
These functions are part of global object
: Returns a number converted from its argument.parseFloat()
: Parses its argument and returns a floating point numberparseInt()
: Parses its argument and returns a whole numberUnary plus
: does the number coercion. eg+x
- NaN is a JavaScript reserved word indicating
- You can use the global JavaScript function isNaN() to find out if a value is a not a number:
Number Object
MAX_VALUE The largest number possible in JavaScript MIN_VALUE The smallest number possible in JavaScript MAX_SAFE_INTEGER The maximum safe integer (253 - 1) MIN_SAFE_INTEGER The minimum safe integer -(253 - 1)
Important Methods
: Returns a number as a string
const number = 250;
number.toString(16); //hexdecimal
number.toString(10); //decimal
number.toString(8); //octal
number.toString(2); //binary
: Returns a number written with a number of decimals
const numObj = 77.1234;
console.log(numObj.toFixed(0)); //77
console.log(numObj.toFixed(2)); //77.12
console.log(numObj.toFixed(4)); //77.1234
console.log(numObj.toFixed(6)); //77.123400
: Returns a number written with a specified length
const numObj = 77.1234;
console.log(numObj.toPrecision()); //77.1234
console.log(numObj.toPrecision(2)); //77
console.log(numObj.toPrecision(4)); //77.12
console.log(numObj.toPrecision(6)); //77.1234
: Returns a number written in exponential notation. Takes an optional integer specifying the number of digits after the decimal point. A string representing the given Number object in exponential notation with one digit before the decimal point.
const numObj = 77.1234;
console.log(numObj.toExponential()); // 7.71234e+1
console.log(numObj.toExponential(4)); // 7.7123e+1
console.log(numObj.toExponential(2)); // 7.71e+1
console.log(77.1234.toExponential()); // 7.71234e+1
console.log((77).toExponential()); // 7.7e+1
: Determines whether the passed value is the NaN
//All these statements returns false
Number.isNaN(NaN); // true
Number.isNaN(Number.NaN); // true
Number.isNaN(0 / 0); // true
//All these statements returns false
Number.isNaN(" ");
Global isNaN
- Determines whether a value is
when converted to a number
isNaN(NaN); // true
isNaN(undefined); // true
isNaN({}); // true
isNaN(true); // false
isNaN(null); // false
isNaN(37); // false
// Strings
isNaN("37"); // false: "37" is converted to the number 37 which is not NaN
isNaN("37.37"); // false: "37.37" is converted to the number 37.37 which is not NaN
isNaN("37,5"); // true
isNaN("123ABC"); // true: Number("123ABC") is NaN
isNaN(""); // false: the empty string is converted to 0 which is not NaN
isNaN(" "); // false: a string with spaces is converted to 0 which is not NaN
// Dates
isNaN(new Date()); // false; Date objects can be converted to a number (timestamp)
isNaN(new Date().toString()); // true; the string representation of a Date object cannot be parsed as a number