Abstract Factory
- Provides an interface for creating a families of related objects
- Factory method is a method
- Abstract Factory is an abstraction (interface)
Classical Structure
- Build a GUI framework. In framework we have controls like button, textbox, dropdown. Support themes like Material, Ant.
- Based on theme selected, the controls should have consistent look and feel.
- Violates Open Closed Principle. If you need support another theme, you need to add another if condition
public interface IWidget
void Render();
public interface IButton: IWidget {}
public interface ITextbox: IWidget {}
public class MaterialButton: IButton
public void Render()
Console.WriteLine("Material Button");
public class MaterialTextbox : ITextbox
public void Render()
Console.WriteLine("Material Textbox");
public class AntButton : IButton
public void Render()
Console.WriteLine("Ant Button");
public class AntTextbox: ITextbox
public void Render()
Console.WriteLine("Ant Textbox");
public enum Theme
public class ContactForm
public void Render(Theme theme)
if (theme == Theme.Material)
new MaterialTextbox().Render();
new MaterialButton().Render();
else if (theme == Theme.Ant)
new AntTextbox().Render();
new AntButton().Render();
public interface IWidgetFactory
IButton CreateButton();
ITextbox CreateTextbox();
public class MaterialWidgetFactory : IWidgetFactory
public IButton CreateButton()
return new MaterialButton();
public ITextbox CreateTextbox()
return new MaterialTextbox();
public class AntWidgetFactory : IWidgetFactory
public IButton CreateButton()
return new AntButton();
public ITextbox CreateTextbox()
return new AntTextbox();
public class ContactForm
public void Render(IWidgetFactory widgetFactory)
new ContactForm().Render(new MaterialWidgetFactory());
Example Structure
Example Code