Design Patterns

Last Updated: 9/2/2024

Prototype Pattern

  • Create new objects by copying an existing object


Classical Structure


  • In PowerPoint, add any shape, right click and duplicate

Problem Code

public interface IComponent
    void Render();
public class Circle : IComponent
    public int Radius { get; set; }

    public void Render()
        Console.WriteLine("Rendering a Circle");
public class ContextMenu
    public void Duplicate(IComponent component)
        if (component is Circle)
            Circle source = (Circle)component;
            Circle target = new Circle();
            target.Radius = source.Radius;
            //Add target to document
  • Violates open closed principle, every time you add new shape, you need to modify the duplicate method
  • Coupling between ContextMenu and Circle. ContextMenu needs to know about all shapes and details


  • Move the logic for duplicating the circle from ContextMenu to Circle. Define clone method in circle
  • Add clone to Component Interface
  • Decouple the ContextMenu from Circle and make it talk to the Component interface
public interface IComponent
    void Render();
    IComponent Clone();
public class Circle : IComponent
    public int Radius { get; set; }

    public IComponent Clone()
        Circle newCircle = new Circle();
        newCircle.Radius = Radius;
        return newCircle;

    public void Render()
        Console.WriteLine("Rendering a Circle");
public class ContextMenu
    public void Duplicate(IComponent component)
        IComponent newComponent = component.Clone();
        //Add target to document

Example Structure

Example Structure

Example Code