Design Patterns

Last Updated: 9/12/2024

Facade (Front)

  • Use this pattern to provide a simple interface to a complex system
  • Facade reduces coupling

Classical Structure

Facade Classical Structure


  • Sending push notifications to users


  • Everytime to send a push notification you have to follow lot of steps.
  • Main class is coupled or dependent on these classes (AuthToken, Connection, Message, NotificationServer) for sending notification
  • If other classes need to send notification, they also are coupled to these classes
  • If any of these classes change several classes might be affected.
public class Connection
    public void Disconnect()

public class AuthToken
public class Message
    private readonly string content;

    public Message(string content)
        this.content = content;
public class NotificationServer
    public Connection Connect(string ipAddress)
        return new Connection();

    public AuthToken Authenticate(string appID, string key)
        return new AuthToken();

    public void Send(AuthToken token, Message message, string target) 
        Console.WriteLine("Sending a message");
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		    var server = new NotificationServer();
            var connection = server.Connect("ip");
            var authToken = server.Authenticate("AppId", "key");
            var message = new Message("Hello World");
            server.Send(authToken, message, "target");


  • Encapsulates all logic to send push notification
  • Hide all complexity behind facade
public class NotificationService
    public void Send(string message, string target)
        var server = new NotificationServer();
        var connection = server.Connect("ip");
        var authToken = server.Authenticate("AppId", "key");
        server.Send(authToken, new Message(message), target);
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		var service = new NotificationService();
		service.Send("Hello World", "target");

Example Code